Friday, March 30, 2012

Helvetica The Movie Writing Assignment

Helvetica originated in Switzerland. The original name is Neue Haas Grotesk. It is Latin for New Sans Serif. Helveticia (Latin for "Switzerland") is what they wanted to use but later changed to Helvetica which means "The Type-Face of Switzerland." Helvetica was createdin 1957. Helvetica is the most comon type font. You can find it everywhere. For example, you can find them on government papers, street signs, company names, etc. Helvetica brought the swiss design movement to popularity. Three different styles movements are Modern, post modern, and Grunge style.

Type-Face: Scooby Doo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

File Format Exercise

For the trees, the smallest file size is the JPEG-low. The file size with the best quality is PNG-24. the fole size with the best balance quality and size is JPEG-medium.

Color Theory Part C - Short Writing Assignment

The three primary colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue. Secondary colors are created when you mix two primary colors together. For example, if red and yellow were to mix, the result will be the color orange. Tertiary colors are combinations of primary and secondary colors. For example, if you mix blue and green you get blue-green. Additive colors are created by mixing the visible light emitted from differently colored light sources. Subtractive color is where light is removed to creat color. Colors affect our perception in many ways. It is because of the way our brain interprets the color and tells us what to feel, think, etc. If your in a pink room, you'll feel restless and calm. But if your in a red room you feel mad.  One color affect another when they mix. This results in many other colors.

Grayscale Image:
                                                                                      Monotone image:
Complementary color image: